Flux - Poppy: Review

Poppy is a Youtuber, singer, songwriter and wrestler? Not really. She is a genre and medium fuser known for elaborate visuals that connect to her music and a sound that blends together bubbly electronic synth pop and brash pummeling punk and metal. Flux is Poppy's 4th studio album and follows an extremely prolific run dating back to last years I Disagree which included a few EP's and a soundtrack album. Review By Lav: You guys should be used to me talking about Poppy by now. I enjoyed her music during her distinctive synth pop era which saw her breaking into the music business after a pretty unique stint on YouTube. I enjoyed her sound once she started to push into heavier and heavier territory, and I really enjoyed her sound once she threw everything against the wall on a true experimental rock EP in 2019 . While I think it's nearly impossible to cover absolutely everything Poppy has had her hands in over the past 16 months or so I have at least heard all of it and tr...