Evergreen - Soccer Mommy: Review

Review by Lavender: Soccer Mommy is the singer-songwriter alias of Nashville's Sophia Regina Allison. She's released 4 albums under the moniker and each have been met with a hefty helping of acclaim, highlighted by 2020's sample-heavy Color Theory . In my time covering Sophia's music I've thought she is consistently good but never really separated herself from her many indie folk singer-songwriter contemporaries. Tbat was different on her 3rd album Sometimes, Forever in 2022. She teamed up with Oneohtrix Point Never on production for a record that takes a few bigger swings. But the result is a similarly mixed bag that serves up some of my favorite songs of her entire career, but also some of my least favorite. Through that lens Evergreen seems like a record that hones in its focus. It's also one I was pretty excited for after hearing the 4 singles. They start off good, "Lost" kicks the album off soft and swaying in the same way many a Soccer Mommy t...