Rock Finale with Elias Ronnenfelt, Japandroids, Poppy, The Cure, and Touche Amore
We're reaching that point at the end of the year where I'm grasping at any possible straw to put together projects I wanna cover before 2024 is out. This time we're taking the most meaningless of genre defiers, rock, and basing it around that to review 5 very different-sounding albums that I meant to cover earlier in the year, enjoy. <3 Heavy Glory - Elias Ronnenfelt Iceage was one of the most innovative and electric post-punk bands of the 2010s and while their 2020 record Seek Shelter struck a chord with me, it didn't quite seem to make the same amount of noise as some of its predecessors. Regardless, their lead singer Elias Ronnenfelt has a pretty distinct voice and vocal style, which had me pretty interested in the direction he would take his debut solo album. That was confounded by a crop of singles I'm pretty fond of, highlighted by the most Iceage-sounding of the bunch, "Worm Grew A Spine." I've also grown more fond of the folksier Dylan-esq...